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Hogwarts Legacy Update i patch

Unapređuje se već savršena igra

Razvojni tim odgovoran za Hogwarts Legacy je otkrio listu izmjena koje će biti napravljene u igri u njenom prvom patch-u od lansiranja 10. februara.

Nakon objavljivanja, Hogwarts Legacy je postala najprodavanija igra na Steam-u pošto su fanovi požurili da ga pokupe svoju kopiju i uskoče u akciju. U današnjoj eri video igara, neki od najpopularnijih naslova dobijaju razna ažuriranja i zakrpe kako bi pomogli u rešavanju problema i poboljšanju mogućnosti igranja, a Hogwarts Legacy nije izuzetak od tog pravila. Prvo ažuriranje za Hogwarts Legacy uključuje nekoliko ispravki poznatih grešaka i pomoći će u funkcionalnosti igre sve dok ne stigne sljedeće ažuriranje.

Prvi patch Hogwarts Legacy rešava nekoliko problema u verzijama Xbox Series X i S, kao i na PC-u, ispravljajući probleme u okviru korisničkog interfejsa, cinematica, performansi i stabilnosti igre. Posebna baza igrača je otkrila nekoliko grešaka, pri čemu su neki igrači pronašli zaobilazna rješenja kako bi popravili određene greške, ali će najnoviji patch, kako se nadaju ispraviti te probleme.

Među beleškama o unapređenjima, nekoliko ispravki poznatih grešaka je popravljeno i na Xbox Series X i S, uključujući slučajeve u kojima se određene misije nisu ažurirale na portalu čarobnjaka, kao i nekoliko manjih ispravki grešaka koje uključuju likove koji se ne mogu igrati. Programeri su naporno radili na usavršavanju funkcionalnosti igre, toliko da je Avalanche Software čak podelio grešku koju je uhvatio dok je pravio trejler za Hogwarts Legacy.  

PC verzija Hogwarts Legacy je dobila preko potrebnu pažnju, ispravljajući neke poznate probleme sa stabilnošću i performansama, dok je ažurirala podršku za kontroler i rješavala probleme sa praćenjem zraka. Programer je takođe ohrabrio svoje igrače da prijave sve greške u HL direktno Avalanche Software kako bi isporučili odgovarajuće popravke na vrijeme.

Pošto znamo da ne volite prevode ovakvih stvari, evo cijelog spiska ispravki.

Hogwarts Legacy Update Patch Notes

Bug Fixes:

  • General


    • Online

      Fixed issues with achievement data being properly pushed to Wizarding World portal after linking.

    • Gameplay


      • Owl Mail

        Fixed an issue with mail not properly triggering sequential mission.

      • World Events

        Fixed rare crash around certain locations where in-game World Events spawning.

      • NPC

        Fixed a rare crash when respawning NPCs in the world.

      • Fixed crash with some NPC schedules.

      • Characters

        Fixed issues with flickering occurring with a transparent head while hair is still present.


  • Updated localization text for additional content items.
  • Added Build version to first time EULA.
  • Fixed rare occurrence of mission descriptions not being displayed correctly.


  • Corrected VFX presentation of robe transformation.
  • Fixed a stability issue when skipping cutscenes.
  • Fixed a crash when playing cutscenes and cinematics.

Save Game

  • Fixed error of rewriting last autosave slot.
  • Fixed an issue when restarting from last save around not being able to talk to a vendor after initial conversation. Resolves the following reported issues: HL-494, HL-246, HL-1063, HL-590, HL-542, HL-976, HL-965, HL-1158, HL-1184, HL-1089, HL-1240, HL-1031, HL-1490, HL-1433, HL-89, HL-1930, HL-1086, HL-1636, HL-1585, HL-1028, HL-1933, HL-2606, HL-2062, HL-1587, HL-488, HL-498, HL-162, HL-1706, HL-2626, HL-2865, HL-2888, HL-2804, HL-2910, HL-2944, HL-3000, HL-3043, HL-3024.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved performance on Fidelity mode.
  • Fixed rare crash around hovering over the map.
  • Fixed issue with wind causing distortion and stretching of world assets.
  • Fixed a rare occurrence with material swapping.
  • Fixed a rare crash with map assets state.
  • Fixed Rare crash occurring with in-game world events.
  • Fixed a memory leak with global lighting system HL-313.
  • XSX
    • Performance and Stability
      • Improved crash collection to help chase rare crashes.
  • PC Steam/PC Epic Games
    • Cinematics
      • Fixed audio issues missing or not properly playing.
    • Controllers
      • Switch Pro controller support updates HL-346.
    • Upscalers
      • Enable frame generation while DLSS is disabled.
      • Anti-Aliasing and Screen resolution settings disabled when using DLSS and not Super Resolution.
    • Raytracing
      • Fixed issue with RTAO looking worse than SSAO.
      • Adjusted default setting to Medium Quality.
    • Performance and Stability
      • Shader type compilation optimization.
      • Shader compilation performance updates and functionality enhancements.
      • Fixed a crash affecting Text2Speech usability.
      • Resolved issues with world assets abruptly being stretched which resolves the following reported issues: HL-305, HL-265.
      • Resolved an issue with Nvidia GPUs having lower frame rate compared to AMD.
    • DirectX Version 12
      • Please note DirectX Version 12 is required to run Hogwarts Legacy on PC. We do not suggest attempting workarounds to run the game with DirectX Version 11 as this can cause stability issues with launching the game and the player experience.

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